Adult Fitness

Our Adult Fitness training program is our bread and butter!


  • Build lean, athletic muscle!

  • Increase strength & endurance!

  • Scorch body fat!

Our Adult Fitness session provides a full spectrum, periodized strength program that utilizes progressive overload to ensure you see constant results! 

We utilize two different programs for our Adult Fitness Program: Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) & Cardio Strength Training (CST).

In our Metabolic Resistance Training sessions the focus is on the weight lifted. These workouts cover every essential movement pattern throughout all planes of motion. This ensures that our MRT sessions will be the most complete full body workout you’ll ever do.

Each movement will be loaded appropriately, ensuring that you meet the demands required for constant progress!

The purpose of these MRT sessions are to build lean muscle and increase strength & endurance while burning body fat.

We utilize a structured periodization program to ensure we cover all means of muscular development which allows us to ensure consistent results!

Our Cardio Strength Training (CST) sessions are performed within a high-paced timed circuit (HIIT).

This isn’t your average HIIT class at the local fitness club!

The focus is on muscular endurance and more mechanical work. The weigh will but lighter, but the pace and intensity will be higher.

We utilize timed circuits to ensure that we are working the targeted energy systems, while putting the body in an elevated metabolic state to burn calories!

Together, MRT & CST create an incredibly well rounded program that you’re guaranteed to love. But most importantly, see results!

You'll find this program "satisfyingly challenging".


Online nutritional Coaching

Our Online nutritional coaching program is designed to help you obtain the skills to conquer your nutritional goals!

Because everyone’s nutritional journey is different we will find a personalized game plan to help you create healthy habits and relationships with food to achieve any goal!

WHAT YOU’LL Experience with online coaching!

  • A structured program centered upon developing the skills and habits necessary to have a successful relationship with food

  • Help creating a meal plan that fits with the way YOU enjoy eating

  • Daily and weekly virtual check-in’s

  • Access to Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach software that allows us to customize every aspect of your program to ensure that we have the best chance of success possible


Personal Training

WE ALSO offer PERSONAL TRAINING at The Fit Facility!

During our personal training session all the attention is on you. 

You will get a custom strength and conditioning plan specific to YOUR needs!

Everybody is different, which means every body is different. So we will identify and target your individual needs!

Personal training spots are extremely limited, so request yours before they are gone!